
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reset Administrator password of DAC 10g

Issue: How to reset Administrator password in DAC10g(Oracle BI Data Warehouse Administration Console)


 There is no specific algorithm to decrypt DAC Administrator password which stored in W_ETL_USER metadata table of DAC.

 Searched many websites to get some solution and gone through the Oracle documents. But unfortunately no where I got the solution to reset the password.

 Here one interesting thing, DAC is also having others user accounts with "Developer", "Operator" roles. So I shouldn't mess existing user accounts to just reset the password.

 Let us look in to the trick now.

Step 1: Close DAC client.

Step 2: Take the W_ETL_USER table backup.

create table w_etl_user_bkp as select * from w_etl_user;

Step 3: Truncate the table W_ETL_USER.

truncate table w_etl_user;

Step 4: Open DAC client and try to login with below credentials

User name: Administrator
Password:   Administrator

Step 5: Now this will ask you to give new Administrator password. Just enter new password.

Step 6: Finally we will insert remaining users and their details from the backup table.

 insert into w_etl_user select * from w_etl_user_bkp where username!='Administrator';


 Now you have the new Administrator password along with existing user accounts.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

DAC10g to DAC11g upgrade

 In this post we will discuss Step by step Configurations to upgrade DAC10g version DAC11g.

Note: Upgrading to DAC 11g involves upgrading the DAC platform and repository, and then performing post upgrade tasks.


•  DAC 10g version was already installed and running.
•  We are just upgrading the DAC platform from 10g to 11g compatible.

High level steps to upgrade

a) Perform DAC10g repository backup.
b) Install DAC11g.
c) Use the DAC11g Client to connect to the existing repository.
d) Perform the post upgrade tasks.

a) Perform DAC10g repository backup.

 i) Login to DAC10g with Administrator user credentials.

 ii) From the file menu go to "Tools" -> "DAC Repository Management"->"Export"

 iii) Select all the containers and select "Logical", "Run Time", "System" and "User Data".

 iv) Modify "Change import/export folder" to different folder than the default one.

b) Install DAC11g.

i)  Assuming DAC11g was installed already.

c) Use the DAC11g Client to connect to the existing repository.

i) Log in to the DAC 11g Client with Administrator user credentials, and make sure you select Authentication Type as "DAC".

ii) It will prompt to upgrade the repository, click Yes.

iii) This process will take several minutes. When the process is complete, the DAC Client will open.

iv) Now you should be able to see DAC10g metadata content in DAC11g format.

d) Perform the post upgrade tasks.

i) Configure the DAC repository to allow DAC Server connections.

ii) Configure connection between the DAC Server and repository.